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Lucire: Fashion
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Fashion East Aiding young designers, giving them a chance to show at London Fashion Week

Fashion East spring–summer 2012

From Cleopatra to safaris at London Fashion Week

Katherine Thomson looks at the spring–summer 2012 collections from Fashion East, Holly Fulton, Marios Schwab and Unique


DAY THREE of London Fashion Week is where we see a series of designers from Fashion East, a company whose aim to aid young designers starting out fresh in the fashion industry. A few selected designers are given the opportunity to show a collection at London Fashion Week after being given guidance and mentoring. Additionally, there were Holly Fulton, Marios Schwab, and Unique, the higher-end collection for Topshop.

Holly Fulton has remained true to her signature style, her collection approaching the runway with full geometric prints, bright pop-out colours and heavy top-to-toe accessories. Her collection shows beautiful attention to detail and makes you want to take a lovely safari holiday. Her silhouettes are clean-cut with a collection of shift dresses, taking emphasis on the bold prints and colours throughout. A favourite was the colourful and sunny sequinned shift dress.

Marios Schwab’s collection stayed within the dark muted colour tones creating interest with different textures and layers. Simple shaped dresses made with revealing fabrics managed to show off the model’s skin and shape of the body underneath. There was the occasional flash of shimmer revealed to catch your eye and your attention.

Unique by Topshop (above right) took inspiration for its spring–summer 2012 collection from ancient Egypt, with bold gold Egyptian-style print and Egyptian-inspired accessories. The use of Egyptian symbols to create crazy patterns gave the theme a fresh run. The models had gold painted through their hair which gave the relaxed streetwear-styled collection a more glamorous, Cleopatraesque edge.


See additional designers and video coverage among our daily reports.





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Lucire 2011 | The Global Fashion Magazine London Fashion Week: effortless femininity
Ella Garland-Levett and Katherine Thomson dissect day two of London Fashion Week’s very feminine spring–summer 2012 collections
photographed by Douglas Rimington/Detune Photography

Fashion East

Holly Fulton

Marios Schwab



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