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Lucire: Fashion

Lucire 2012
Legs Eleven For an instant stocking-filler. you can’t go past a pair of designer stockings. Our fave for Valentine’s Day is the new Donna Karan hosiery range, available from Farmers.

Top 10 Valentine’s Day 2012 picks

Sopheak Seng has his tips for those wanting to create a little surprise this Valentine’s Day


Painted love Paint love on in these delicious loved-up colours from Orly, specially created in time for Valentine’s Day.

Lovers’ Blush Smashbox O Glow will give you that loved-up flush by working with your skin chemistry, giving you an instant blush. Lady in red Play the vamp in classic red lips, our favourite shade comes courtesy of Inika: Bordeaux bliss is the perfect shade to pucker up to.

Sail away Light up and dream of far away places with Pure Fiji coconut wax candles. Our favourite is frangiani, but it comes in four other delicious scents as well. Rock of love Lovingly hand-made, these gems by Nga Waiata will be treasures to keep for years to come.

Dance the night away Men can never have enough shoes and these from Nicholas Jerymn will be perfect for those fancy foot-work to dance the night away.

Sexy beast These Miroslav underwear will have him looking in fine form. Made from the finest-quality Japanese cotton, they are sure to be a hit.

In the details We love these Alice Made This turned metal cufflinks available from Mr

Pampering yourself The Jane Iredale I Love You gift box features PureGloss for Lips in Pink Candy, a Lip Definer in Spice, a PurePressed Blush in Cotton Candy and a mini Forever Pink Just Kissed Lip Plumper—all with no  fillers, perfume, chemical dyes or preservatives.



Sopheak Seng is fashion and beauty editor of Lucire.





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photographed by Michael Ng




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