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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Julian Danger sees Violet

The Lucire team attends Violet, Julian Danger’s spring–summer 2012–13 show, during the recent Wellington Fashion Week. Roanna Bell reports, and talks to designer Amy-Rose Goulding
photographed by Nikita Brown


Julian Danger’s latest offering saw a playful yet edgy streetwear range become the hot show of Wellington Fashion Week. This label marries the worlds of fashion and music so easily, resulting in a fresh perspective for spring–summer garments.

The range showcased a dreamy, candy-inspired palette of rose to lavender moving down into the deeper reds and beige. It was brought to life in lingerie-inspired pieces with tones of a more “luxe-grunge” æsthetic, à la ’90s Courtney Love.

Lucire was delighted by both the womenswear and menswear range that were paraded at the magically transformed Willis York hairdressing salon. Fairy lights adorning the runway created the path for the models to walk past in their coloured and dip-dyed wigs. The relaxed knits set over the sheer garments, tiered short dresses in soft fabric mixed with the exposed zip, bows and back strap detail are key details that make this collection.

Menswear pieces showcased the relaxed knit look as well as shorts falling just above the knee. The staple T-shirt was one of the pieces that made an impact. The womenswear delivered wardrobe envy: every piece I saw walk out made me want it more than the one before. Pieces such as the sheer layered baby doll dress, the ’80s-inspired blazer and tailored shorts set, and the horse-printed maxi dress are the key looks not only from Wellington Fashion Week, but also what we think should be gracing your wardrobe this coming spring–summer.

After the lights dimmed and the candy-coloured wigs are packed away, Lucire sits down and chats to Amy-Rose Goulding, the creative force behind the buzz worthy Wellington label Julian Danger.

continued below


What was it about the fashion industry that was a big drawcard for you ?

Working with design and fashion every day!


Julian Danger is a great name, is there a story to this name?

Thanks. Julian is my twin brother’s name. Danger? Maybe because starting a clothing brand in the middle of a recession was a risky, dangerous idea.


Julian Danger’s spring–summer collection was recently shown at Wellington Fashion Week. How was the experience of getting to showcase your latest range?

It was great and heaps of fun. Julian Danger had an off-site show, at Willis York Hairdressing. The show was a big collaboration between Julian Danger and Willis York. The styling had a big emphasis on hair, [and] Bex’s [of Willis York] hand-painted, beautiful wigs.


Can you tell as a little bit about Julian Danger’s latest collection ?

The collection is called Violet, after a Hole song. Violet is about bedtime romance with a hint of grunge disobedience, yet at the same time it is innocent and unspoiled. The collection has sweet-as-satin dresses, confident shoulders, cuts and colour-blocking suits. The colour palette was from rosewood and lavender to blood red burgundy and beige.


What’s next for Julian Danger ?

I am currently working on winter 2013.


What do you think will draw people to the Julian Danger brand ?

Julian Danger is about romance, obsession, disobedience, confidence, liberation and charm—this is what I hope draws people to Julian Danger.


Who inspires you as a designer?

My friends. Artists and musicians [whose style] I love and admire.


Designers can be quoted as saying that ‘inspiration is everywhere’. If you could zone in onto a particular form of inspiration, what would that be ?

It actually is everywhere! But for me film, photography and music are my by biggest inspirations.


And lastly, If you could have any celebrity wear Julian Danger, who would it be and why ?

Alison Mosshart. I love her style and music. She’s talented and very cool. •


For more information about Julian Danger, please visit





The range showcased a dreamy, candy-inspired palette of rose to lavender moving down into the deeper reds and beige. It was brought to life in lingerie-inspired pieces with tones of a more “luxe-grunge” æsthetic, à la ’90s Courtney Love







Roanna Bell is assistant fashion editor of Lucire.



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