January 22, 2025 Follow us | |
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Finding beauty in the gutterElina Lukas talks to designer Tessa Metcalfe, who casts jewellery from pigeons’ feet, changing the perceptions people have of the birds Working in the fashion industry, you become immune to all the weirdness and peculiarity it has to offer. While there are plenty of amateurs seeking attention at all costs, once in a while you can stumble upon something special, something very unique. Tessa Metcalfe is an East London-born, self-taught jeweller. Her objects of creativity have a strong concept following through all her designs. Metcalfe’s jewellery is cast from nothing other than pigeon feet. She gives this forsaken bird a regal personality by gold plating its nails and giving it miniature rings to wear on its claws. Her fascination with birds started in early childhood. Childhood memories also bring back all the fairy tails Metcalfe used to read. As many other young girls, she desperately wanted to be part of a beautiful story. Although these ambitions had to wait while she was growing up, Metcalfe has now managed to make her childhood fantasies come to life through her amazing jewellery. One might argue that pigeons are considered to be dirty city birds, definitely not something to admire. But does this ever make Metcalfe doubt her choice of subject? Metcalfe has already taken London by storm, recently winning the Professional Jeweller award. With such success behind her belt, what is she thinking of doing next? We wish Metcalfe all the best in her ventures and look forward to seeing the pigeon love spread across the globe. •

The global fashion magazine
Elina Lukas is a corresponent and photographer for Lucire. |
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