LucireThe global fashion magazine January 25, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed
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Lucire: Living

Order Lucire in print or for tablet

Here’s where you can order your issues of Lucire, whether you’d like it as a limited-edition print copy, for your Android, Ipad, Iphone or Ipod Touch, or as a PDF. Click through here to see what’s in the latest issue.

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Issue number Print on demand collectors’ editions,
produced by Vertia
Apple Ipad, Iphone and Ipod Touch Google Android PDF
Issue 29
Lucire 29
148 pp., A4
Check out the contents here.
International customers
Please choose shipping option

Available on the App Store
US$6·99, with special rates for multiple-issue subscriptions

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Available on Google Play
US$6·99, with special rates for multiple-issue subscriptions

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New Zealand customers
Print on demand edition, NZ$24·99
Postage free within New Zealand for individual copies
Issue 28
Lucire 28 cover
148 pp., A4
Check out the contents here.
International customers
Please choose shipping option

Available on the App Store
US$6·99, with special rates for multiple-issue subscriptions

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Available on Google Play
US$6·99, with special rates for multiple-issue subscriptions

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Now €2,50

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New Zealand customers
Print on demand edition, NZ$24·99
Postage free within New Zealand for individual copies

Notes for international print customers: Shipped from New Zealand, and may take 7–10 days minimum for most North American and European destinations. The prices on the shopping page include shipping charges of US$9 for Australia, US$16 for east and south east Asia and North America, or US$18 for other destinations. Please select the correct option. N.B.: Lucire is not responsible for customs, duties or taxes on the recipient’s end.

About printing on demand

Lucire has always been a little exclusive—the sort of magazine that provides readers with knowledge beyond that of mainstream titles.

Our new on-demand global edition, as distinct from the regional print edition and website, means a limited-edition copy of Lucire can be yours, printed especially at your request.

In our 15 years, Lucire has always been at the forefront, whether it was creating the first commercial online fashion magazine in its home country of New Zealand, or growing a website into international print editions. And while we were a bit later to the game on apps for Apple Ipad and Google Android, this latest development is part of the puzzle: a new edition to usher in a new era.

These quarterly editions, beginning with our northern autumn–southern spring edition above, distil all that’s great about Lucire. Our editorial approach is not just about covering fashion, but what fashion means in the era we live in. What is the greater context? What does it say about us?

Stunning editorials, in-depth fashion, beauty and lifestyle features, and journalism that’s geared at the intelligent reader are our hallmarks.

As the first fashion partner of the United Nations Environment Programme (since 2003), and in association with Vertia, this allows us to be greener with our production—in line with our values. There won’t be unsold inventory which, in publishing, is always destroyed or recycled.

You’ll be among the earliest adopters of an exclusive, international fashion magazine produced this way.


In production



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