Olga Lomaka The artist, and her enigmatic work
Elina Lukas is a corresponent and photographer for Lucire.
London-based artist Olga Lomaka brings femininity and sexuality into her work, bringing dreams and fantasies into reality. Elina Lukas speaks to her on the eve of her new exhibition
In a world where digital media is taking over all other creative outlets, one can say that the art of painting is close to becoming obsolete. Shamefully, we find ourselves turning to Oprah more so than to fine art when is search of inspiration. Artists like Olga Lomaka keep the quintessential purposes of art alive, filling it with their creative juices.
Lomaka’s works have proven to be deeply conceptual and are oftentimes based on a multitude of eastern philosophy, esoteric teachings and quantum physics. This unique combination helps Lomaka produce meaningful and eye-catching works. One of the artist’s projects, SOS.OK, combined what some might call polar opposites, female sexuality and soulfulness. The concept behind SOS.OK was born during her period of self-acceptance and development of love for herself.
‘I believe that full acceptance of our self, our body and our sexuality is a necessary part of a harmonious and happy existence,’ she says. While some may find these series of paintings vulgar and provocative, they are intended as a cry for the salvation of our souls.
‘I think the society needs to wake up and understand the most important truth, the aim of a man’s birth … do not fight evil but fight for something good. Try to make your soul richer by feeding it with unselfish love and deep sympathy.’
With her new project, Parasites of Consciousness, shortly to be exhibited in London, Paris, New York and Moscow, Lomaka looks into the human mind and its eternal struggle with the soul. Through art, she is making the viewer aware of the “viruses” existing in our brain, those that have been planted by the surrounding world and genetically laid within.
‘Many of us still don’t know why and where certain feelings and emotions come from. Paintings convey the mood and psychological state of each character that is sitting inside its own head and playing a role by itself.’ •
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