The democratic lingerie line Eveden’s lines cover a wide variety of sizes
Elyse Glickman is US west coast editor of Lucire. Jody Miller is a correspondent for Lucire.
US west coast editor Elyse Glickman and correspondent Jody Miller build a new foundation of knowledge with lingerie experts from Eveden, and view new collections of fabulous, frilly finds for all body types
photographs courtesy Eveden and by Elyse Glickman
Eveden (also known as Wacoal Europe across the Pond) just may be one of the world's sexiest—and most democratic—lingerie firms. Their lines include Huit (for the sweet petites), Fantasie, Freya and the aptly named Goddess (with glamorously empowering silhouettes for the fuller figures). The new fall–winter lines were previewed at the appropriately glamorous Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel’s Tropicana near the property's fabled pool.
To bring the visiting press into the picture, several bra fitters were on hand to not only get bra wearers out of their comfort zone, style-wise, but also get them the right size. There was a lot of reminding those being fitted that the right fit should take precedence over the number (the smaller sizes being what we American women have been taught to embrace). When an H-size bra slenderizes and shapes better than a rival brand’s D, you know those fitters are on to something! They also reminded us of the “swoop and scoop” technique to not only put the bra on correctly but extend the life of it.
The figurative and literal icing on the cake were finger sandwiches, fresh-brewed coffee and lingerie-frosted butter cookies—a very sweet finish to a nice little fashion event. All in all, in a city like Los Angeles, where image is everything, it’s nice that women of all shapes and sizes got some uplifting conversation and support that’s truly meaningful in everyday life. •
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