LucireThe global fashion magazine July 27, 2024  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Swimwear ’11: elegance and adventure

Elegance and subtlety




Finally, Miami showed a new sense of elegance, where black is the new black again (yes, we know that sounds hackneyed). Wraps and hats added to the glamour-at-St-Tropez look.

The shows aren’t completely over yet, but on these pages is a summary of the styles we’ve seen through to the Sunday, July 18 shows.

You can either interpret the styles as a return to a better economic climate—which usually brings out the risk-taking bent in designers—or more of the status quo, where customers demand the holidayed-overseas look without having to travel to warmer climes. •


Left column, from top It was more toned-down with these designs from Crystal Jin (top row), and Swimwear Anywhere. Below Red Carter. Bottom True Religion.

Miami showed a new sense of elegance, where black is the new black again (we know that sounds hackneyed)


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