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Lucire 2011 Ecume de diamants Princess Charlène’s tiara at her wedding reception was created by Lorenz Bäumer, whom Lucire’s Lola Saab interviewed in April

A magical splash of diamonds

Much was said about Charlene Wittstock’s Giorgio Armani wedding gown, but what of her tiara at the reception? Lola Saab looks more closely at Lorenz Bäumer’s creation for Princess Charlène


The Prince’s Palace of Monaco


After the religious ceremony (above), HSH Princess Charlène donned her tiara (right) at the reception.



THE SOUND OF WEDDING BELLS resonated throughout as the first two of three royal weddings this year took place. Prince William and Catherine Middleton exchanged their wedding vows and, a couple of months later, Prince Albert II of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock did the same. Not only were they both lavish and star-studded events, but they were also filled with fashionable elements that would certainly be remembered for years to come.

Lucire readers will remember our interview with jewellery designer Lorenz Bäumer. Back in April, the Paris-based jeweller sat with us during his visit to New York to discuss his work and his spectacular, high-quality jewels.

Bäumer is acknowledged for designing many beautiful, innovative pieces and Princess Charlène of Monaco’s magnificent tiara, Ecume de diamants (Diamond Foam), is one of them. One of the factors that distinguish this particular tiara from any other is that it was designed as a headpiece rather than as a traditional crown.

Wittstock walked down the aisle in a beautiful off-the-shoulder Giorgio Armani Privé silk chiffon wedding gown with floral embroidery and Swarovski crystals marvellously gleaming; her 20 m long tulle veil was just as alluring. When it came to dancing the night away at the wedding reception, the now-princess wore the gorgeous Diamond Foam tiara to go with another chic and elegant Giorgio Armani Privé dress.

The modern headpiece revolves around the theme of water, which is a perfect symbol of the former Olympic swimmer’s adoration for the sea. With almost 60 ct worth of diamonds, it took months to make such a work of art come to life. Round diamonds, elongated diamonds and a total of 11 diamond pears, the largest weighing up to 8 ct, were carefully placed in long, thin strands of white gold, which created a metaphorical aspect of the “ocean spray”. Bäumer calls it ‘magic’, but we can also call it a delightful artistic aspect that can also be taken apart and worn as a hairpiece or even a long or short broche.

The piece added quite a sophisticated appeal to the princess’s ensemble.

In a brief documentary where Bäumer unveils the secrets behind his creation, he explains that a diamond is ‘the most beautiful, the purest … a symbol of eternity.’ As he focuses on the idea of the tiara, he says, ‘When this wave, this spray, of diamonds is worn, it floats over the head.’ •


Lola Saab is Paris editor of Lucire.





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photographed by Fred Marigaux



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