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Sweden’s second sustainability wave


September 10, 2008/13.08

Although I was wearing my Medinge Group director’s hat when I sent off the think-tank’s latest press release, a few items may interest Lucire readers, especially those who came to us as a result of our UNEP partnership in 2003.
   The second issue of The Journal of the Medinge Group has a very interesting article on sustainability by our travel editor and Medinge CEO Stanley Moss, with Medinge chairman Thomas Gad.
   The article re?ects many of my own views on Sweden and its lead in branding, but discusses the second wave of sustainability that the country is going through.
   All the talk about global warming that is popular now is old news as far as the Swedes are concerned, and the authors discuss speci?c examples of how Sweden is leading on sustainability today.
   I touched on some of the same ideas in a speech some years ago delivered at MIS (Marknadsföreningen i Stockholm) called The Swedenization of Branding.
   As with most Medinge thought, we tended to be a few years ahead of the rest of the world when it came to branding issues. Stanley and Thomas are living proof of that.
   Read the article free of charge at the Journal.

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