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Sponsored video: Reebok wants us to be more human


February 4, 2015/23.59

A Lucire special promotion

Reebok has one of the most storied histories of any of the sports brands: its forerunner was, for example, the choice of the British Olympic team in 1924, dramatized in the movie Chariots of Fire. And in the late 1980s, there wasn’t a brand that was more fashionable than Reebok as its Pump became closely tied to the era.
   It’s never been a brand that’s needed fancy celebrity endorsements. It has been slightly more restrained as a brand, and its latest commercial, in the wake of the Super Bowl in the US, exhibits a level of honesty not often seen in a sector that relies on being flashy and impactful.
   Reebok’s latest campaign, entitled Be More Human, shows everyday people pushing themselves further, for the purpose of personal fulfilment. Reebok taps in to a very real motivation for most people who work out: to be healthier and stronger for themselves, not for gold medals or recognition on a football pitch. In recent times, Reebok has partnered with CrossFit, which is aimed at fitness fanatics. It’s part of Reebok’s efforts to rebrand itself, a programme that began five years ago when it revealed its delta symbol.
   The campaign, which broke at the end of January, connects Reebok’s shoes and apparel to those fitness enthusiasts, something which its president, Matt O’Toole, sees as part of the brand’s roots. It appears to be paying off: Reebok has experienced seven straight quarters of growth. No longer is it chasing competitors or trying to be something else: Reebok has found its groove being itself. It’s something it wants to urge its consumers to do now, too, and, consequently, there’s a sense of authenticity to its efforts.

Post sponsored by Reebok

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