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The Body Shop releases limited-edition Hemp Hand Protector, with packaging designed by Eine


February 14, 2016/22.49

The Body Shop has released today a limited-edition version of its Hemp Hand Protector (NZ$23·95), with a design by street artist Eine.
   With a prominent, slab serif style that marks Eine’s work, the packaging has the word ‘Change’ writ in all caps, signalling the message that we can all take part in making the planet better.
   The Body Shop will donate NZ$3·30 from each sale to the Body Shop Foundation, as part of its goal of reaching NZ$660,000 globally to protect and enrich our planet. With every purchase, customers get one vote to determine which Foundation cause is supported.
   The Hemp Hand Protector was launched in 1998. Hemp seeds contain a high level of fatty acids to help condition skin, and the Body Shop claims one Hemp Protector is sold every nine seconds internationally. The hemp itself is sourced from French Community Trade farmers.
   Eine, born Ben Eine, started as a tagger in London but has since become a more prominent street artist. He had been a screen printer who had his own line of sweatshirts, and produced prints for artists such as Banksy and Jamie Hewlett. He has had his work presented to President Barack Obama, and enjoyed commissions from and collaborations with Amnesty International, Louis Vuitton, and Chank.

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beauty / corporate social responsibility / culture / design / London / Lucire / New Zealand / Paris
Filed by Lucire staff

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