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Mathias Te Moananui wins 2016 New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year at L’Oréal Colour Trophy


July 30, 2016/2.57

Mathias Te Moananui of Buoy Salon and Spa in Wellington has taken the top title, New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year, at the L’Oréal Style and Colour Trophy Awards, held at St Matthew’s in the City, Auckland. Te Moananui will represent New Zealand as he seeks to take out the international title at the L’Oréal Colour Trophy awards in Lisboa in October.
   Judge Stephen Marr said of the winning look, ‘Mathias’s look captured my attention because it is directional and relevant, but also a look that someone could see in a magazine and be inspired to try themselves.’
   Tracey Hughes, judging with Marr, noted, ‘As a judge I look for something that’s got a bit of uniqueness whilst still being something that’s commercial and wearable. Being on trend and progressive is important, but it still needs to have that element of classic beauty.’
   ‘Tracey and I were looking for an entry with a contemporary and effortless feel, and we found it in Mathias’s look. It’s editorial, it’s fresh, and it shows evidence of technical skill,’ added Marr.
   ‘I feel shocked!’, said Te Moananui. ‘I’m very very humbled and very thankful to win this award.’
   His inspiration was to create something beautiful from something traditionally unconventional. ‘I chose [hair] colours that most people would shy away from—golden tones, yellows, oranges and greens—in the hope that people could love it, and be like, “Actually, I could imagine myself with that colour,”’ said Te Moananui.
   Second place went to Sara Allsop from Dharma, Auckland, and third place to Sean Mahoney of Vada, Auckland.
   Andrew Cobeldick of Rodney Wayne on Manners Street, Wellington, won the Young Talent Award, while Mana Dave of Blaze, Auckland, won the Men’s Image Award. Blaze also took out the Salon of the Year accolade.

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beauty / hair / Lucire / modelling / New Zealand / photography / tendances / trend
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