The global fashion magazine September 21, 2024 
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Tommy Hilfiger and Jeffrey Deitch host Rock Style exhibition launch in London

September 23, 2015/3.42

Darren Gerrish On Monday, the Rock Style exhibition’s official opening was celebrated at Sotheby’s S2 gallery in London. Hosted and curated by famous fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger and art dealer Jeffrey Deitch, the exhibition celebrates the innovative connection between music and fashion, as examined in Tommy Hilfiger and Anthony De Curtis’ book, Rock Style, written […]

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Sponsored video: Appleton Estate’s Jamaican tradition is assured

August 6, 2015/15.07

The Caribbean is most closely associated with rum when it comes to alcohol, and Appleton Estate is arguably the brand that rum lovers will think of when Jamaica comes up. Now part of Campari, Appleton Estate’s history goes back to the dawn of rum itself, to 1655 when the British captured the islands from the […]

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