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Icons Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett dead


June 25, 2009/22.47

Michael Jackson Thriller album cover

TMZ was the first to report that pop star Michael Jackson had passed away after suffering cardiac arrest at his home. Presently, mainstream media outlets such as the Los Angeles Times are confirming the news, based on their sources.
   Jackson’s death comes on the same day another icon, Farrah Fawcett, died after a long battle with cancer. Fawcett was 62, Jackson was 50.
Farrah Fawcett pin-up   From a fashion point-of-view, Fawcett was best known for her hairstyle in the 1970s, and was at one point the most famous pin-up in a poster by Pro Arts, photographed by Bruce McBroom. The poster sold millions of copies, buoyed by the actress’s subsequent success in Charlie’s Angels, a series for which she remained known for the remainder of her life.
   Jackson, being a pop star, had numerous reinventions, from a stylish solo recording artist in the 1970s to being proclaimed ‘the king of pop’ by the following decade. He had been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, and had won 13 Grammy Awards and had 13 number-one singles in his solo career.
   His impact on the fashion world was evidenced by an auction of his property earlier in 2009. While his trademark is a single sequinned white glove, Jackson wore a series of elaborately beaded military jackets in the 1980s.
   It’s arguable whether people aped the Jackson style in the way many women borrowed Fawcett’s hairdo, but there is no doubt that both were cultural icons.

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