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Mike Simcoe on an ‘aspirational’ Daewoo


December 11, 2009/23.03

Mike Simcoe is probably GM’s best North American design boss for years, and the way he gave Holden a sense of style is to be commended. However, as all bosses must do, he must defend things that were started by other GM staffers. (I remember well when Ian Callum of Jaguar had to talk up the X-type and the last Geoff Lawson-designed XJ, knowing that he liked neither.)
   Here’s Mike talking about the Daewoo Lacetti Premiere, and it’s the first time I have ever heard anyone call a Daewoo ‘aspirational’. It is, of course, sold in most countries as the Chevrolet Cruze—a name once given to a rebodied Suzuki Wagon R—and Down Under as the Holden Cruze.
   It’s much smarter than the outgoing Lacetti and chief designer Taewan Kim has done an amazing job on how sharp this car looks, but I’m still not sure if ‘aspirational’ is a tag that can be applied to anything bearing Daewoo or Chevrolet badges. It’s just a market positioning thing. If I had to buy anything on this platform, make it the Opel Astra J.

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branding / design / living / Los Angeles / Lucire / media / TV
Filed by Jack Yan

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