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Michelle Obama wears ASOS Africa on South African visit


June 23, 2011/11.28

Michelle Obama in ASOS

ASOS, which had featured here in Lucire some years back, has reason to be pleased: it has spotted US First Lady Michelle Obama wearing the ASOS Africa printed sleeveless oversized shirt at the Emthonjeni Community Centre in Zandspruit Township, South Africa, on Tuesday.
   The ASOS Africa range pledges to give £5 from the sale of each garment to the construction of SOKO’s new workshop, with the ASOS Foundation matching each £5 donation.
   SOKO is a social enterprise project that aims to help underprivileged communities to establish sustainable business through local craft.
   The Obamas’ daughter, Malia, also visited Zandspruit, and read Dr Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat to a preschool class.
   Both daughters, Malia and Sasha, have accompanied Mrs Obama on her South African visit, where she also met with Nelson Mandela. She received an advance copy of Mandela’s new book, Nelson Mandela by Himself: the Authorized Quotations Book.

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celebrity / corporate social responsibility / culture / fashion / Lucire / travel / trend
Filed by Lucire staff

One thought on ‘Michelle Obama wears ASOS Africa on South African visit

  1. Very positive. I applaud the American First Lady for her efforts to bridge the gap of cultural, faith and history!

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