Baglioni Hotels mourns the sudden passing on Christmas Day of a dear friend and colleague, group vice-president and general manager Maurizio d’Este. Mr d’Este, a legendary travel professional was the epitome of Venetian elegance and graciousness, and served in many roles over a long career. He was GM at the Baglioni Luna in Venezia and more recently held an executive role with the Baglioni family of properties. On December 29, a funeral was held in Palladio’s Il Redentore in Giudecca, where a large group of friends, family and industry figures paid tribute to this grand master of hospitality.—Stanley Moss, Travel Editor
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Dear Stanley thank you for this tribute to Maurizio, he indeed was an asset to the Baglioni brand for both his professionalism and his human characteristics.
Luca Magni
former VP BaglioniHotels Bod