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People’s best and worst of 2007


December 25, 2007/22.54

In today’s video, People’s Ericka Souter discusses her magazine’s end-of-year double issue featuring the best and worst of 2007. Patrick Dempsey is the stand-out celebrity, and makes the cover as ‘Star of the Year’. Inside, there’s an interview with President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush.
   In addition, People pays tribute to eight other celebrities:

Amy Adams: the Breakout
Katherine Heigl: America’s New Sweetheart
Carrie Underwood: the Chart Topper
Tyler Perry: the Triple-Threat
Matt Damon: the Sexiest Hero
Johnny Depp: Most Versatile Actor
Christina Applegate: Comeback of the Year
Tyler Perry: the Triple-Threat
Will Smith: the Biggest Legend

   We’d say People’s pretty on the ball with their picks as 2007 draws to a close. Now, who will be the stars of 2008? We wonder.

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