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Sarkozy, Royal spent tens of thousands on campaign grooming, make-up


January 19, 2008/2.35

Echoing the expense that President Clinton was once known for (an infamous expensive haircut at LAX), a commission in France examining the make-up, hair and related expenses of its presidential candidates in 2007 revealed that the Socialist Party’s Ségolène Royal spent €53,581during her campaign.
   Nicolas Sarkozy, who won the presidency, spent €34,445.
   The commission would not reimburse either candidate in full, with Royal receiving €17,220 and Sarkozy €11,482. It wound up paying about half of the €21 million claimed by the candidates.
   In terms of spending per vote obtained, L’Express has published a table which shows that Marie-George Buffet spent the most, at €6·81. Trotskyite Olivier Besancenot spent the least, at €0·61. Of the two leaders, Sarkozy spent €1·83 and Royal €2·17.

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Filed by Jack Yan

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