BBC/Steve Schofield
The BBC has released its first official image of Jodie Whittaker in her new costume as the Doctor in the long-running science fiction series Doctor Who.
Since being announced as the first actress to take on the role, succeeding 12 men (more than that if guest actors, aborted series and the big-screen version are taken into account), Whittaker has generally found favour among fans, including from the outgoing Doctor Who lead, Peter Capaldi, himself a lifelong Whovian.
Whittaker’s new costume has nods to earlier incarnations of the Doctor. She wears a long, grey coat with a colourful striped trim, over a black shirt with the same striped pattern, and blue trousers with braces. It’s still eccentric, in Doctor Who tradition, but brighter than Capaldi, who tended to favour more black in his look.
The Tardis, the Doctor’s time and space machine, has had a makeover, with the disappearance of the St John’s logo on its right-hand door.
The release of Whittaker’s costume comes after an official announcement about her supporting cast, with The Chase’s Bradley Walsh as Graham, Mandip Gill as Yasmin, and Tosin Cole as Ryan.
Whittaker makes her first appearance in the role in the Doctor Who Christmas special this December on BBC One.