After years of planning pre-awards lounges, Amy Boatwright has a keen sense for not only what her celebrity guests want but also what they actually need. The Secret Room Emmys’ Gift Suite for 2018 clearly had a focus on health and self-care, integrating a few essentials that should be in everybody’s carry-on bag. These included Contigo Water Bottles, a handy duffle with Herbalife Nutrition (including a delicious alœ-based, mango flavoured water additive for improved digestion), and a selection of games to keep kids of all ages engaged in the car or the plane.
In addition to the always-welcome Wolfgang Puck cup of coffee and make-up and hair touch-ups courtesy of Toni & Guy, other nice perks included a five-class pass to LA’s The Wall Fitness, integrating spin and cross-training, and a motivational read and information about quality fitness-wear and post-mastectomy lingerie from Anita.
VIP recipients, meanwhile, received a Wrangler Jeans duffle packed with other handy things for a trip, whether it is across town or around the globe, including Water Drops water flavouring, Emergen-C, Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups, Neutrogena and Chapstick lip balms, and travel-sized styling sprays from OHC Organic Hair Care.—Elyse Glickman, US West Coast Editor