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Auckland kicks off racing season with Newmarket Style Spotter fashion competition

The Auckland Racing Club kicks off its 2018–19 season on Melbourne Cup Day
November 23, 2018/5.01

Alanah Brown

Above: Alexandra Jones and Dion Herdson won the fashion competition at Ellerslie.

It’s not just Melbournians who have a fun Cup Day, all over Australia and New Zealand plenty get into the spirit of the day.
   At Ellerslie Racecourse, in Auckland, New Zealand, 5,500 guests dressed up for the occasion. The Auckland Racing Club kicked off its 2018–19 season on the same day, and the Newmarket Style Spotter fashion competition took place to find the most stylish at the event.
   Alexandra Jones of Auckland won the women’s section, with custom millinery by Natalie Chan, a top made by her aunt from Dolce & Gabbana lace, and a tulle skirt. Dion Herdson won the men’s section, wearing Hugo Boss, Barkers and Hallensteins.
   Each took home a NZ$1,000 voucher from Newmarket. Jones is now in the regional final of the national Fashions in the Field competition taking place next March.

Alanah Brown

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fashion / living / Lucire / New Zealand / tendances / trend
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