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Juliet rethinks luxury wine, with a more sustainable approach

With glass bottles and transportation contributing the most to wine’s carbon footprint, Juliet gets us to reconsider our concept of what a luxury wine is with a more sustainable approach to packaging and marketing
July 21, 2022/2.35

Top: Juliet co-CEOs and founders Allison Luvera and Lauren de Niro Pipher.
Juliet, a luxury range of boxed wines founded by Allison Luvera and Lauren de Niro Pipher, is launching with a 2021 sauvignon blanc and a 2021 Grenache rosé.

Its packaging is unique, housed in a cylindrical container called the Eco-Magnum, which holds 1·5 ℓ.

Luvera and de Niro Pipher discovered that glass bottles and their transportation are the biggest two contributors to wine’s carbon footprint, so they set about to innovate how theirs would be packaged.

‘We recognized the unmet need for a sustainable wine that didn’t sacrifice on quality, taste, or design. Boxed wine offered an eco-friendly packaging solution but hadn’t yet reached its full potential, so we took the opportunity to innovate the category with an elevated æsthetic and truly superior wine,’ said de Niro Pipher.

Luvera adds that boxed wine has an 84 per cent lower carbon footprint compared to the conventional glass bottle.

The wine in the Eco-Magnum stays fresh for up to six weeks after opening. Juliet is also pioneering an at-home wine refill system in the US, where customers need only order the inner wine pouches at a discount.

Juliet is made at a Certified California Sustainable Winery in the Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara, an American Viticultural Area in Santa Barbara county. The grapes are chosen based on terroir and sourced from renowned AVA vineyards. There are no artificial additives and the minimal ingredients are listed on the package.

The wine is packed at a California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance facility, and the Eco-Magnum is made from recycled materials.

The sauvignon blanc has aromas of Meyer lemon, ripe pear, honeydew melon, and a hint of grass. The rosé is a Grenache made in a dry Provençal style with hints of strawberry, watermelon, and floral notes.

Retail is US$45·99, available at high-end retailers in New York, California, and Florida, and online at

Bringing their experience from Perrier-Joüet, Virgin Galactic, and Vogue, the duo have managed to get backing from investors including Jonathan Neman (Sweetgreen), Leora Kadisha Neman, Lauren Bosworth (Love Wellness), Dick Costolo (former Twitter CEO), Kurt Seidensticker (Vital Proteins), Brooke Wall (the Wall Group), and Anderson Family Brands.

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