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Model search for Napoleon Perdis face of 2008


September 12, 2007/13.03

Here’s one of two modelling contests that I want to let folks in on—the ?rst is the Napoleon Perdis Model Search that my friends at StarNow are running. And Napoleon is one of the community of internationally minded Greek entrepreneurs that I seem to be in contact with regularly. So there are two groups of friends here that I want to help—and maybe those who want to be the face of Napoleon Perdis might be able to help themselves.
Napoleon Perdis Model Search 2007   According to the site, this is what the winner can get.

You could win a photo shoot for Napoleon Perdis—starts August 27!!
  And there’s more! The winner will also receive:
• Return travel and accommodation in Sydney for four days
• An AUS$500 Napoleon Perdis Product voucher
• Napoleon Perdis Paparazzi Ready Personal Makeup Skills One Day workshop (valued at AUS$195.00)
• Complimentary makeover and photo shoot for Napoleon Perdis
• Your photos on the Napoleon Perdis Advertising Database for one year
• One year complimentary subscription to
• A collection of branded clothing
• Featured interviews and information about you on

If you sign up now and say that you heard about this through Lucire, you will be able to get the StarNow membership for free.
   They want someone con?dent and creative, over 18, and a resident of Australia or New Zealand.
   Entries close Monday noon, Sydney time. Let Shona McGregor at know (email convention there is [email protected]) if you want to join up.

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beauty / celebrity / fashion / Lucire / modelling
Filed by Jack Yan

3 thoughts on ‘Model search for Napoleon Perdis face of 2008

  1. hi my name is nurein i would like to be a model, i had experience when i was 10 years old,and i’m 16 yrs old now.

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