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Cruising to Waiheke with the Miss New Zealand ’08 contestants


April 24, 2008/6.42

My scanner has gone kaput and I’m now three weeks in the process of getting it ?xed. You know—ordering a part, having it arrive, ?nding it’s totally wrong (as in: the part does not even exist inside this model of scanner), and now, having a really annoying moiré effect on photographs that do not have a dot screen!
   I’m less than impressed as I have some lovely photographs from my judging of Miss Universe New Zealand 2008 that I wouldn’t mind posting. Girls: don’t worry—the embarrassing ones won’t wind up anywhere on the ’net, though I may email them to you directly.
   These are off one of those newfangled cellphones. The good 35 mm ones will have to wait.

Rebecca Connor relaxes on boat
Miss Wellington, Rebecca Connor, sponsored by the Establishment Bar, on the launch to Waiheke. Rebecca was in the top ?ve and, from what I can tell, a crowd favourite.

Samantha Powell in action
Samantha Powell, Miss Horowhenua, who later won the title of Miss Universe New Zealand 2008. She seems to have a natural beauty. I don’t think I’d be revealing too much about the judging if I were to say she gave a ?ne interview on the ?rst night (Thursday).

Leggy shot
Some of the top-placed contestants are here in a very leggy shot: Rebecca Connor, Hannah Matthews (runner-up, sponsored by Masport), Samantha Powell are present from left to right. From right to left are Lauren Kyle (Miss Auckland), and Sylvia Laurenson (sponsored by Bettjemans), runner-up in 2007, re-entering (Sylvia came in the top ?ve this year). That leaves Kylie War?eld third from right—not a contestant, but one of the chaperones and assistants, who could have easily come in a top position herself in this competition. (She was Miss New Zealand Asia-Paci?c 2005.)

Wake up
The wake from the launch out to Waiheke.

Beauty queen diet
The girls do not starve themselves, as you can see—yep, that’s cream on the top of that glass being delivered to Miss Wanganui, Michelle Kleinsmith. And it’s one of two such glasses heading to this table.

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beauty / culture / fashion / Lucire / media / modelling / New Zealand / photography / travel
Filed by Jack Yan

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