The global fashion magazine February 12, 2025 
Out now: Lucire issue 50, with free postage for UK

Naersi teams up with Madame Figaro Mode for editorial on woman power

March 15, 2022/10.57

  Chinese brand Naersi has teamed up with Madame Figaro Mode to promote women and their influence, and to explore issues of identity and female power. The five women include Li Jing, TV host and producer; Tang Limei, marine geology scientist who reached 2,774 m underwater in a submarine; Xu Lingling, lawyer and blogger; He […]

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Publisher’s picks: a selection of our favourite Lucire print covers

March 11, 2022/20.21

With our 25th anniversary, I’ve been wanting to look back through some of our shoots. Originally I had the idea of looking back at our favourite photographers, but that proved impossible, as there are so many styles and approaches that we can’t fairly rank one above another. In the overwhelming majority of cases, we’ve loved […]

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SMoss’s third Capt Blackpool book, The Jade Lion, out now

March 4, 2022/0.28

  As many of you know, our travel editor Stanley Moss has penned a number of fiction titles, among them two novels starring Capt Harry Blackpool, a veteran of His Majesty’s Guards and a secret agent, and storylines that take you on a grand tour of 19th-century society (and a little of the 18th in […]

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Noting the changes behind the scenes

February 13, 2022/12.16

  It’s so nice to see Kayane Mahrejian, the subject of our latest fashion feature on the Lucire website, enjoy her copy of Lucire KSA, where her story first appeared. Thank you for sharing this tastefully arranged photo with your Instagram followers.   As some of you have noticed, this site is working more smoothly […]

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Technically, a big change behind the scenes

February 7, 2022/9.52

  You may be wondering why there have been few updates from Lucire over the past week. It’s not because we’re observing the lunar New Year holiday, but because during January, we were hacked by two parties. One we traced to Los Angeles, California, but the other’s IP address wasn’t as clear. We had planned […]

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André Leon Talley, former Vogue editor-at-large, dies at 73

January 19, 2022/5.48

André Leon Talley as pictured on the cover of his 2020 memoir, The Chiffon Trenches.   The enigmatic former Vogue editor-at-large André Leon Talley, 73, has died in hospital in White Plains, New York, from an unknown illness, according to his literary agent. Born in Washington, DC in 1948 but raised by his maternal grandmother […]

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Welcome to our 25th anniversary year

January 3, 2022/12.30

  This year, 2022, marks our 25th anniversary. It is a landmark, and we’ve been incredibly blessed to have made it to a quarter-century. When I started Lucire I had hoped it would be around in 2022 and beyond, but I couldn’t have foreseen the many changes on our planet over the last 25 years. […]

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Cover notes

December 26, 2021/12.05

  During the course of 2021, I came across a number of magazine covers from the late 1960s and early 1970s. The era has been the subject of a few pieces from me in the print editions of Lucire, especially the stylistic parallels, but one thing that has not followed suit, apart from some independent […]

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Two months: the long process of getting our Twitter account back

December 18, 2021/11.07

  We don’t know if it was our letter to Twitter’s lawyers that did it, but as of the 17th—the deadline we gave Twitter for a response—we regained access to our account. The process from losing our account in October to the repeated attempts to regain it was unnecessarily drawn out and at times farcical. […]

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Revamping Lucire to look sharper on mobile devices

October 10, 2021/9.48

The astute among you will have seen some changes taking place on a few pages in Lucire’s online edition. First one article was switched to a new template, then it was the home page (where there’s a slider with three stories), and now all the news pages (which are run on the Wordpress content management […]

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