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Glamour comes in sixes


November 23, 2007/10.46

Facebook Lucire group models

When sur?ng the Lucire Facebook group yesterday, I noted the six ladies that showed up in the members’ box were particularly glamorous. And not nobodies: Victoria Bunton of Sequel Events organized the Fashion on Q show last weekend at Peregrine Winery outside Queenstown and is a former model; Mary HD, whom I do not know, is, I believe, a glamour model in the US; Sylvie Laurenson is the runner-up to Miss New Zealand this year; Robyn Merritt is Lucire’s London correspondent; Hilary Rowland started one of the most successful North American women’s dot coms; and Zeisha Fremaux is a singer and a regional beauty queen who, liked Sylvie, eyed the Miss New Zealand title that Laural Barrett took home back in March.
   You don’t need to be a looker to be among this bunch—after all, I am there—but being a man I just had to remark. It does buoy me a little to know that a portion of our readers includes some known trend-setters like Victoria and Hilary.

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beauty / celebrity / entertainment / fashion / Lucire / media / modelling / New York / New Zealand
Filed by Jack Yan

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