The global fashion magazine January 20, 2025 
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Lucire’s top three


October 7, 2008/6.40

Lucire story on Finnish fashionKilling two birds with one stone here: as of today, you’ll notice the home page has changed even more. We now have the main cover story in its own box, the same type as the ones broadcasting the ‘Insider’ headlines and the Lucire TV clip.
   Today’s cover story is about Finnish fashion, written by associate west coast editor Karen Loftus, who travelled over to Helsinki to sample its designs.
   We’re experimenting with these boxes. When there’s a big headline here on ‘Insider’, its box will move up top. When there’s a great video clip that we want to share from the Lucire TV crews, that box will move to the top. And then, when there’s something on the main part of the site, the cover story box goes up top.
   Yesterday, we were concerned that you couldn’t see the latest story on the top half of the screen. When you viewed the apparently redesigned home page, one of our low-res laptops showed no difference on the loading up.
   We realize that the site sped up again for a few days, then we began tinkering. If you notice any problems on the home page loading, let us know and we will track down the error (we do listen to you and treat your feedback as truthful—we’re not Facebook).

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design / Lucire / media / publishing / technology / trend / Web 2·0
Filed by Lucire staff

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