The global fashion magazine February 15, 2025 
Out now: Lucire issue 50, with free postage for UK


Get an extra dose of Lucire


October 2, 2009/10.27

For those wanting an extra dose of Lucire, we have some more pages we can share in our free 72 pp. Supplement. Some are exclusive to this edition, some are older pages, and some are from the issue that’s on newsstands right now. It might not have the tactile style of the real thing, but for those who need extra words from our team in a magazine-type layout, this is a fast way to get it.
   You can download a 72 dpi PDF edition here via Rapidshare, or a 150 dpi one here. The sizes are 11 and 19 Mbyte respectively.

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beauty / fashion / living / Lucire / media / New York / New Zealand / photography / publishing
Filed by Lucire staff

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