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Watchdog says Marks & Spencer ad, featuring Philip Glenister, not sexist


December 16, 2009/1.17

A Marks & Spencer Christmas 2009 TV commercial has been cleared by the Advertising Standards’ Authority after complaints about sexism.
   Ashes to Ashes star Philip Glenister, best known for his portrayal of politically incorrect DCI Gene Hunt, says toward the end of the advertisement, ‘Oh come on, it’s Christmas—that girl prancing around in her underwear.’
   The advertisement then cuts to French model Noémie Lenoir in lingerie, who asks, ‘Moi?’
   The Authority said that it did not consider the comment derogatory and was directed at a ‘well known M&S underwear model.’ It was ‘unlikely to be interpreted as a negative comment on women in general or be seen as objectifying her.’

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celebrity / culture / fashion / London / Lucire / media / modelling / TV
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