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Dispatches: Rupert Sanderson, Sylvie van der Vaart and Ria van Dyke


August 8, 2010/13.46

For those getting their updates via RSS, Australian-based writer Cassandra Murnieks has interviewed British shoe designer Rupert Sanderson. Her excellent story appears in the online edition as a feature this week here. If you missed it earlier, Sopheak Seng’s Kowtow spring–summer 2010–11 review is also in the main part of the Lucire site. (There is more to come this week from our Mr Seng.)
   Meanwhile, German readers following this year’s Das Supertalent might want to hop over to the VIP site at RTL to see a new publicity photo shoot with jury member Sylvie van der Vaart (above left), taken by Stephan Pick. Tickets for the latest show can also be reserved from the website.
   And in beauty-pageant news, Ria van Dyke has arrived safely in Las Vegas, Nevada, for Miss Universe, according to New Zealand pageant director Val Lott. A limousine collected van Dyke from McCarran Airport and she has met some of her fellow contestants. Further official updates can be found via the Miss Universe New Zealand Facebook fan page.

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