Spanning the last 30 years, international premium vodka brand Absolut has built up its brand image with its use of innovative, stylish and sometimes quirky advertising campaigns and packaging. Collaborations with a list of the world’s top design and fashion figures include Andy Warhol, Stella McCartney and Tom Ford.
Now it’s New Zealand’s turn to show off its creative talent with the launch of Absolut NZ Limited Edition, an amalgamation with iconic New Zealand fashion label Huffer.
The unique gift pack design features a contemporary silver map of New Zealand made up entirely from Huffer’s signature three-dot logo, set against a jet-black backing. Huffer’s company director Steve Dunstan expressed that they are ‘beyond proud to be involved’. Huffer’s design-led background focused on inclusivity and functionality convinced Absolut from the very beginning that it is the right fit for the campaign.
A signature cocktail inspired by Huffer and Absolut’s mixologist Chris Harrop (below) has been created in celebration of the campaign. The coffee-hued and aptly titled Absolut NZ Limited Edition pack designed by Huffer will be available in early July from leading liquor outlets in New Zealand (1 litre, RRP NZ$54·99).—Vicki Matias
Absolut Huffer Designer Cocktail