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Was newspaper editor dropped due to sexuality?

October 4, 2008/13.23

Finland’s news outlets have been reporting heavily on the cancellation of Johanna Korhonen’s appointment to editor-in-chief by newspaper Lapin Kansa, allegedly because of her registered civil union with a woman.    Lapin Kansa’s parent company, Alma Media, has denied that the cancellation has anything to do with Korhonen’s private life and has said it was […]

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New Zealand’s new beauty portal

October 2, 2008/10.17 is the new portal dealing with beauty products in New Zealand. Lucire has chatted to Matt G. Clark, one of the driving forces behind the site, and he has talked about how he envisages the site to be an objective source about beauty products. While there’s backing from Æsthetic Solutions, readers can look forward […]

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In defence of lipstick


Above: Sen. Barack Obama and Gov. Sarah Palin. On the experience question, Sen. Obama had it easy with the American media. And no one questioned whether any of the men vying for the top two executive spots in the United States would be a fit father by pursuing his career. It has been fascinating to […]

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Window Cleaning: lessons in social media

September 25, 2008/13.14

[Cross-posted] Not directly about fashion, but possibly still of interest to those in to blogging and social media, particularly their relevance to modern business. My friend Tim Kitchin (left) has an excellent video series, Window Cleaning, on his company’s website. Tim leads the ?rst video on social communication (a very ?tting introduction), while Johnnie Moore […]

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Laural’s online—and on TV tonight

September 21, 2008/6.31

Laural Barrett, whom I interviewed last year, will appear on Shock Treatment tonight on TV2, at 7.30 p.m., in New Zealand.    I recall when Laural returned from the ?lming of this reality show and we had a lengthy conversation about it a year ago. It’s a ?sh-out-of-water tale: Laural, while Miss New Zealand 2007, […]

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Global fashion week glimpses

September 18, 2008/10.02

We’ve been thinking about putting up some of the images we’ve already got from New York, London and Auckland fashion weeks. It’s ironic: back in the 1990s and even early 2000s, we would have been boycotted from fashion weeks around the world for posting images too early. Now, it seems to be normal behaviour. So, […]

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Lucire heading on to your mobiles with special edition

August 27, 2008/13.44

We alluded to Lucire being on cellphones, Blackberrys, Ipods and similar devices last week when this blog disappeared brie?y due to a technical glitch.    Lucire has been on portable mobile devices for some time, if you count the many cellphones out there that are capable of sur?ng the web. These take the existing website’s […]

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We now return to your regularly scheduled programme (sort of)

August 24, 2008/9.25

We apologize to readers for the loss of service on this blog for a few days. Lucire is planning a mobile edition and we had a glitch (caused by human error) in one of the lines of code. Please stay tuned as we do have news items to post up here from earlier days—there’s still […]

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Beijing citizens celebrate Olympics’ opening ceremony

August 9, 2008/13.06

As the world erupted into applause, China’s fantastic Olympic showcase being screened round the world, approximately 100,000 packed the streets at Wangfuxing to watch the unforgettable opening ceremony—a similar sight to when the Olympic decision was of?cially made in Beijing’s favour in 2001.    China joined the World Trade Organization the same year, and has since […]

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Mr Blackwell regains consciousness

August 8, 2008/5.53

Richard Blackwell, better known as Mr Blackwell and the compiler of annual best- and worst-dressed lists, has regained consciousness in hospital after lapsing into a coma on Tuesday.    Blackwell, 85, is recovering in hospital and reportedly cognizant of his surroundings. He was also able to identify his long-time partner Robert Spencer. Blackwell is being […]

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