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For the enjoyment of knitting


April 22, 2009/11.43

Yes, I enjoy knitting. And I have done ever since my childhood trips away to stay with my Nan every winter holidays. I knew I only had a couple of weeks to knit up a storm—because once I left there wouldn’t be anyone to fix up my mistakes. It was always just a scarf, and because it only happened once a year it would take me a bit of time to get into the swing of it again. I now own a different coloured scarf for every winter holiday.
   Knitting has been around for centuries and hasn’t lost its touch. Whether it’s the calming, therapeutic benefits knitting can offer, or the current global climate where many are converting to the back-to-basics approach and undertaking more DIY projects around the place, or the fact that it’s simply a great way to save money while seeing something through from start to finish and gaining that sense of accomplishment, knitting is where it’s at.
   The Stitch ’n’ Bitch UK website talks of knitting being ‘the new yoga’ with an impressive line-up of celebrities claiming to be seasoned knitters including Julia Roberts, Madonna and Cameron Diaz. It’s amazing to discover that there are just so many knitting networks and groups running worldwide. So I decided to see what was on offer here in Wellington, New Zealand.
   What I delightfully found was a free Stitch ’n’ Bitch gathering at the New Dowse Reka café at 6 p.m., the first Wednesday of every month. Apparently if you mention to the barista the word bitch, you will receive a complimentary coffee. Call me granny, but that sounds pretty darn good to me.

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Filed by Parris Bambery

4 thoughts on ‘For the enjoyment of knitting

  1. Pingback: Jack Yan 甄爵恩
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  3. Pingback: Jack Yan 甄爵恩
  4. i went looking for other NZ knitting groups and found you. i’ve very recently started a knitting group, figuring if i’m gonna be at home knitting on free evenings, why not share the experience with other like minders. now there’s 4 of us and growing!

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