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Capturing the Addington races, November 2009


November 18, 2009/5.44

There’s something about shooting on 35 mm film and the depth of the photographs produced, even if the resolution is no longer a match for the professional digital cameras around these days. Below are some of mine from the Addington Races last week, where I joined a number of luminaries—including Barbara Lee, Melinda Jones of BDM Grange and Tamsin Cooper—in judging the fashion in the field competition. And two of the CTV hosts did a fabulous job compèring the fashion events.
   My camera, a Voigtländer Bessamatic Color-Skopar, celebrated its 50th birthday this year and, as you can see, still fares particularly well with colour and overall quality.
   I also caught Carly Flynn of TV3’s Sunrise, who had been up since 4.30 a.m. covering the events from the raceway. One international figure at the races was Merrill J. Fernando, the founder and chairman of Dilmah Tea, who was in Christchurch to open a tea lounge at Ballantyne’s.
   Our compliments to Angela Stone for organizing the fashion events at Addington, and to Barry Johnson and the Addington Racing Club for their hospitality. Here are some of the shots from roll number one:
Judging panel at Addington
Judges at Addington
TV3 anchorwoman Carly Flynn
Best dressed lady finalists

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celebrity / culture / fashion / living / Lucire / media / New Zealand / photography / travel
Filed by Jack Yan

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