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Lucire’s summer ’10 travel specials


June 14, 2010/10.38

Last week was, by all accounts, a slow news week. We glanced at the wires, and the sort of articles that might have piqued the interest of Lucire readers just weren’t arriving. However, that did mean we could pull out our summer travel specials, penned by our industrious west coasters, travel editor Stanley Moss and US west coast editor Elyse Glickman.
   Elyse ventured to Argentina on our behalf and we brought you an in-depth feature on Buenos Aires and Mendoza. And if that wasn’t enough to satiate the appetites of ‘Volante’ section lovers, Stanley gives his picks of luxury accommodation (there’s luxury, and then there’s luxury, as they say) in Firenze, Rajasthan and Paris.
   I checked out one of the hotels he recommends in Paris, the Plaza Tour Eiffel—call it the publisher’s duty—soon after it was opened in 2006, and it looked sumptuous in that boutique-y sort of way. By that I mean that it felt small and personal, and had real design cred.
   Our travel specials can be found at the ‘Volante’ section index—enjoy!

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culture / design / India / journalism / Los Angeles / Lucire / Paris / publishing / travel / Volante
Filed by Jack Yan

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