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Ryanair launches 2012 cabin crew calendar


November 3, 2011/1.32

Ryanair calendar 2012
Ryanair calendar 2012 cover

Ryanair has launched its 2012 charity calendar, and, true to form, it features 13 lingerie- and swimwear-clad members of its female cabin crew.
   This time, the charity is DEBRA, selected from 400 charities which applied. DEBRA helps children suffering from a rare genetic condition, epidermolysis bullosa, in which, as the charity explains, ‘the skin and internal body linings blister at the slightest knock or rub.’
   The target amount, €100,000, will enable 50 families from throughout Europe to enjoy a respite week in DEBRA’s holiday accommodation in Málaga.
   The images were shot in Lanzarote, Spain.
   The Ryanair calendars have raised close to €500,000 since the first one was launched in 2008. They have attracted controversy annually from various groups and politicians, with one MEP in 2009 calling the 2009 edition ‘derisory’ for its sexualization.
   The calendar is available on board Ryanair flights, at its website, and at DEBRA’s Irish and Spanish charity shops and website, for €10. Ten thousand copies have been printed.
Ryanair calendar 2012
Ryanair calendar 2012
Ryanair calendar 2012
Ryanair calendar 2012 back cover

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