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Beware the Fiverr scam offering article placements in Lucire

Caveat emptor: it’s highly unlikely someone on Fiverr will be able to place articles with us, says publisher Jack Yan
February 5, 2023/10.25

Mikhail Nilov
I’ve seen fake pull letters with our logo but I haven’t come across this before: a claim from someone on Fiverr that they can get an article into WWD, Lucire and Essence (presumably on our websites).

The graphic reads, in caps, ‘Parmanent live article publsih & submission’ (sic). Permanent is later spelled ‘parmanenet’ (sic). All for the sum of NZ$331·53 (they must have priced it in US dollars originally and Fiverr converts automatically). They are based in Nigeria.

If you’re doing some due diligence about ‘lekan_publis’ after being intrigued by their claims and heading to your nearest search engine, let us make it very clear that they won’t be able to get anything into Lucire, and I doubt very much they can get anything into our colleagues’ publications, either.

We have no idea how they will deliver ‘clean proof’ as claimed in the ad. A fake version of our website accessible through one of their links?

In other words: don’t be fooled.

Some unsolicited contributions will be looked at, but we will reject anything like what lekan_publis does, and we’ll also say no to SEO (search engine optimization) spam.
Jack Yan is founder and publisher of Lucire.
Update, March 8: Fiverr responded to our report on Twitter in February and the scammer’s page has been removed. We did not see the reply till recently—and not because we did not check on Twitter. It simply never appeared.

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living / Lucire / publishing / technology
Filed by Jack Yan

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