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Footage: Paris Hilton walks off during ABC TV interview


July 21, 2011/12.43

Paris Hilton on ABC

Paris Hilton’s ABC interview with Dan Harris didn’t go down too well.
   Harris asked some reasonable questions about newer reality TV stars who might have overshadowed her, such as the Kardashians, to which Hilton replied a simple, ‘No, not at all.’
   He then asked, ‘Do you ever worry about your moment having passed?’ to which Hilton took exception, and stood up and walked away.
   She returned to the interview 15 minutes later after a heated discussion with her publicist.
   The interview took place at Hilton’s home in Los Angeles.
   Harris and his colleagues Sarah Kunin and Bonnie McLean detail how the interview unfolded, and how Hilton came back to the interview, at ABC’s site here.
   The first mention of Paris Hilton in Lucire’s pages was in 2001, when features’ editor Phillip Johnson humorously referred to her and her sister Nicky as ‘social terrorists’, before the word celebutante was coined, but having similar connotations. The story was published just over a month before September 11. Nicky Hilton was a former Lucire cover girl for print editions in New Zealand and Romania.

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