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Video: Cheryl Cole backstage at the Capital FM Summertime Ball, on Katy Perry and Usher


June 10, 2012/12.11

Cheryl ColeIt’s nice to see Cheryl Cole in positive spirits at the Capital FM Summertime Ball, at which she performed ‘Call My Name’ in a multi-coloured jumpsuit.
   Events saw Lucire missing out on covering the Diamond Jubilee in a timely fashion, as we would have loved to have shown Cole with Gary Barlow performing at the concert celebrating HM the Queen’s 60 years on the throne.
   Backstage at the Ball, Cole wore a less eye-catching but still smart orange dress, saying that the most nerve-wracking experience she has is when she performs a number for the first time.
   She also revealed that Katy Perry’s girl-crush on her is reciprocated. ‘I love Katy: she’s so sweet,’ said the songstress, who also said that she would love to collaborate with Usher.
   Speaking about her next album, A Million Lights, Cole says her favourite changes all the time.
   In an unrelated story, travel fans can check out our latest feature on Chile, by Elyse Glickman, online in the main section of Lucire’s web edition today.

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celebrity / culture / entertainment / fashion / living / London / Lucire / publishing / travel / TV / Volante
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