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The Paris Taxi Commission delivers justice


June 5, 2013/13.50

Jack Yan

Almost 15 months ago, I reported in Lucire that a white taxi, numbered 8010, had delivered me a classic Parisian rip-off on a ride into town from Charles de Gaulle, Terminal 2G. In the same article, I reported that the Paris Taxi Commission telephone help line was inoperative and that their website did not function for an online complaint. So I wrote to the snail-mail address given on the web page, including a copy of the Lucire article posted. I promised to write you if there was ever any word. I waited and waited. You have surely long forgotten this item.
   This morning, June 5, 2013, I received by email the following:

Par lettre du 15 mars 2012, vous avez appelé mon attention sur le comportement d’un conducteur de taxi.
   Je vous informe que ce conducteur a été convoqué devant la commission de discipline de sa profession. Il a fait l’objet d’une sanction administrative.
   En outre, votre plainte sera conservée dans son dossier professionnel.
   Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.

L’adjointe au chef du bureau des taxis
et transports publics

and the letter closes with the writer’s name. Translated:

In your letter of March 15, 2012, you brought my attention to the behaviour of a taxi driver.
   I inform you that this driver was summoned before his profession’s disciplinary committee. He has been the subject of an administrative penalty.
   In addition, your complaint will be kept in his professional record.

Yours faithfully,

The Deputy Head of the Office of Taxis and Public Transport

   I thank the Office of Taxis and Public Transport for their fine follow-up and resolution of this, a demonstration of—well, reach your own conclusions. But remember white cab number 8010 in Paris, and don’t accept any aggressive driver, especially one who feigns taking a wrong turn in the dark and insists that you pay for his mis-navigation. Always wait for the friendly cabbie who knows your destination. If you’re disappointed in any way, I now have proof you can rest assured that eventually someone will hear your complaint.—Stanley Moss, Travel Editor

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Lucire / media / Paris / travel / Volante
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