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Elle drives a Fiat; Elyse remembers Michael Jackson


July 19, 2009/9.42

Elle Macpherson, in Lucire, the global fashion magazineRemember that weekend after Michael Jackson died? It was a bit surreal, as Elyse Glickman discovered when she attended one of the BET Awards’ suites, specifically Rohn Padmore’s Red Carpet Suite—we feature her report today on the main part of the site. Meanwhile, we see that Elle Macpherson in fact drives a Fiat 500, and has endorsed the 500C convertible—we have the pics. (It would have been overkill to run this article too soon after our Jaguar XJ ones, since Elle was at that, too.) Also in car news, BMW wants a slice of the cheaper end of the market, so its Mini division has launched the First model (right), which starts at under £11,000—still a bit more than the base Fiat 500, but closer to the 1·4-litre models in that range.

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